Using AI for Content Creation

One of the easiest ways that you can improve your business with AI is to create content and marketing materials. Whether you are a one-man show or have a team, whether you are great at creating content or not, you can take advantage and produce content more efficiently with AI. I’ve broken down here the process that I have used.

If content creation doesn’t come easy, then go find some articles that you like. And here's how you do it. You have the effectiveness of your command or your prompt, your instruction will yield the effectiveness of the output. Garbage in, garbage out.

There is a certain number of characters that you can put in each prompt, but if it's bigger than the prompt, you can put it into two prompts. Now, the way chats work, is it will only read a certain amount. So, if you've got a million characters in one chat, it's not going to read all one million. It'll cap off at some point. That amount is changing all the time.

But that is something to consider. If you're thinking that it'll be generating output based on the initial prompts that you entered but it is only reading the most recent because it has exceeded the number of characters.

Also, note that it is best to prompt as if you are having a conversation. It might sound weird, but it's just the cleanest way to do it to calibrate the algorithm. Algorithms work off targets. And the simplest way an algorithm works is to think of an autopilot in a plane. Plane flying to New York, it pings, course correct. A little bit more this way, a little bit more that way, because it has a goal. And then it can calibrate to a goal. That's how all machine learning works. That's how all algorithms work, Facebook, YouTube, all those things. This is like that to the nth degree.

So, what you can prompt is, “You are the best voice of brand consultant on planet Earth. You understand tone, nuance, and how to communicate effectively. You pick up a lot of different elements and components such that you can then articulate that and then you can replicate and take an input and then you can run it through that tone, and you can create an output that aligns with that tone.” Something like that with the instruction incorporated.

In other words, take this article and look at it in such a way that you can take another piece of content and bring it online with that tone. Then what I always like to do before I enter the data, is to prompt the AI to analyze it and see if it has any questions for me. And then what it will do is respond with what might not be clear. So, then you give it clarity. Then it'll tell you that it’s ready to go. Then you copy and paste the article, boom.

So, analyze this per the instructions above. And it'll be fascinating. You can add another article, analyze this per instructions, and it'll output. And then what you'd be left with is a bullet point list of five, or seven things that it's picking up based on that voice of communication. Then what you can do is ask, “What is the best way to prompt if I want it to deploy this to a piece of writing, what prompt do you want me to use to instruct you to do that?”

You can ask the AI what prompts it needs! So, you don't even need to know how to do prompting, you just need to have clean thinking. Again, it has provided this analysis, now what I want it to do is I want to be able to tell it based on this analysis, I'm going to give a new input of data writing content and I want it to be optimized for that voice.

That's why you ask it, “How do you want me to communicate that to you? What prompt do you want me to use to do that?” And it will reply something like, “Tell me to look at the voice of the customer of this?” Then, “I want you to optimize this article with that voice.”

So, what you can do is go find a voice you like, you can trade it on the voice, and then you can input your own writing. Or you can go find another article, and then you can input it and say, update this article to that voice. And again, it'll get you to 70%. Now you don't copy and paste that online. But now you're not looking at a blank page. You've got an outline, you've got ideas, you can mix, you can take two other articles and have them mesh to create something new. That's if somebody just doesn't know how to do content. Effective today, you now know how to do content.

For the people that know how to do content, here's what you do. You train it in your own voice. You take your own blog articles, you transcribe your videos, and you pop it into the chatbot.

I ran one of my own articles through ChatGPT. I had it identify my voice. And this was the output, “The article as touched by Paul Bocco discusses the concept of success in Christian entrepreneurship. Paul Bocco, who has run the virtual Christian business incubator for 15 years… started 10 different companies, in 10 different markets. He asserts that success doesn't strongly correlate with personality types, background, education, or even the business model used…. Both introverts and extroverts… Bocco uses an analogy by Bum Phillips… Paul Bocco talks in a humorous style….” And so on. Then it articulates it into bullet points. That way when you put the new piece of content in, it knows the destination. Again, algorithms need to know targets.

Once analyzed, here's the prompt, “Write an article in Paul Bocco's voice about Christian entrepreneurs and the importance of delegation, delegate to elevate”. Typically, I don't do this because I like writing, and creating content is easy for me. So, what I'll do is create a video because it is faster for me than writing. I'm a perfectionist and I'll stare at one sentence because it's art to me and I'll modify it. That is why most of our content now is video because I can time it, just roll, download, execute, transcribe, and then refine it. In the old days, we had humans refining. Now we can have AI.

That's it. So, if you are already producing, then you can use this to optimize and create more output. If you don't, then you have a way to do it. It's like you're playing toss with your dog. Go fetch this. He brings it back. Okay, go fetch that.

Another thing that is very easy to do is marketing. You can have it help you clarify your avatar because effective marketing comes from an effective avatar, having clarity on who you help and what you help them with. So, you can prompt and say, here's who we help, what are the bleeding neck problems? And you can have it surface things that you may not have thought of. You can have those turned into Facebook ads.

You can create YouTube video scripts. AI can also tell you what, based on that article, some image options are. That's the next level. There's going to be one interface for writing an image. Right now, there are different interfaces. So, you can use it for marketing. You can get rid of the people you're paying to do all that, in my opinion.

For a bonus, here's the big one, you can use it for customer support. Tier one, tier two. There's a whole bunch of questions you're answering that your customers have that are repetitive, and AI can handle that. And then it just tier two, something AI can't handle, and then it escalates it to a person. Or if they want to ask to talk to a human, that's fine too. How much time would you save in your business? How much overhead would you save? Most importantly, how much faster would you get your customers, clients, and members their answers?

Everything we optimize for the member experience to create a happy customer factory. For customers, but then also, depending on what kind of business you're in, how can you utilize this to serve your customers and their businesses? That's a whole other angle, depending on if you're in the business coaching space or wherever you are.

It's light. Just play with it. Just have fun. First the blade. You don't have to hear this and think you must be a ChatGPT expert. No. Start simple and play around with it. You can utilize AI for just about everything. Again, other than the human element, there's not too much that it can't do or that you couldn’t improve an area in some way.


There are three critical things that I've learned over my twenty-plus years, of evaluating over one hundred and fifty different business models as a Christian entrepreneur.

I've put together my observations and these three keys (I learned the hard way) into a Christian Entrepreneur Manifesto, along with some step-by-step walk-throughs and demonstrations.

There is no opt-in required.

It walks through my favorite model, the Finders model.

It might be interesting for a Christian looking to start something new or for the first time to escape the "business running them vs. them running their business" or the nine to five and not to have to work for themselves or someone else until the age of eighty.

Check it out here:

I hope it helps!


PS: God is a big God.

He gives us above and beyond what we can ask or think.

We must ask big.

We must think big.

And if we don't, it's not His fault if we live limited.

Work hard, pray harder, and never ever ever ever quit.

You've got this!

PPS: Whenever You’re Ready... Here's How I Can Help You Generate An Additional $5 to $10k Per Month Or More:

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