Blind Spots (2 of 5)

Continued from part 1

We looked up a definition of diligence.

Let's talk about synonyms of diligence, meticulousness, conscientiousness, thoroughness, carefulness.

Still, these synonyms do not convey Solomon's full meaning.

To understand what Solomon was talking about, we need to add qualities from Proverbs 20:11, which says, "even a child is known by his doing, whether his work is pure, and whether it be right."

Let's amplify these words pure and right because these do not mean what most people think they mean.

Solomon uses the word pure, not about an immoral or ethical value.

But as far as work in its purest form.

One of Solomon's greatest sources of wealth were the mines that he owned. His gold mines and silver mines represented a portion of his wealth.

Because of this, he often used mining terms in his writings.

Most people miss this.

They don't study the word, so they miss these things.

So when you mine for gold, you dig through a lot of dirt, find big rocks, and then take that rock to the heat, massive amounts of heat, it melts off all the impurities, and what's left behind is pure gold.

So that's the pure side. That's what this means.

Investing our days are hours or minutes in that which brings a pure return on the time and effort invested.

The other side of diligence is the "right" part.

Even a child is known by his doing whether his work is pure and whether it be right.

So it's not just about persistence and work.

Smart, which is our definition of diligence.

It's about doing it right, expeditiously, efficiently, effectively, in other words, doing it on time and to the highest standard possible, regardless of what's demanded, required, or expected.

This is important.

We've got to get this.

So the full definition is diligence is a learnable skill that combines creative, persistent persistence, a smart working effort, rightly planned, and rightly performed in a timely, efficient and effective manner to attain a result that is pure and has the highest quality of excellence.

Now, before you freak out, they're like, Ah, man, I can't do that. I don't understand that...

To be continued.

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Have a blessed day!

Warm regards,

Paul "your number one fan" Bocco

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