Decisiveness Part Deux

A few days ago, I wrote about being decisive.

I want to revisit that theme today.

I want you to focus on your decisive factor.

Practice this with little things.

When you order food.

Have you ever sat with somebody, and it takes them five minutes to order?

How annoying is that?

And if you're that person, that's okay.

Fix it.

That's a sign of indecision you should make you should try your hardest to make decisions fast and practice that muscle.

Practice that muscle, trust God, and tap into his coaching. And when you get that peace, that green light, that yes, or that, "not green" light or red light.

Don't go.

If you do that in faith and commit those decisions to the Lord, you're golden.

And then make sure that as you're building your business, or as you're looking for your next business, consider your business model carefully.

I'm a big believer in the power of a business model. And there are some resources below that can help you with that.

If you're in between businesses schedule a call, and let's talk about it, we can help you.

As you're considering your business model, consider what resources you have, what software, and what on-demand hiring solutions.

Those things will make a massive difference in the profitability, scalability, ease of your business.

And even if you have a business, make sure you're always evaluating these elements.

You can typically optimize your profit margins through some of these leverage points.

And there most likely is untapped potential in your current business that you could easily bolt on some of these things and supersize it.

Click here and book a free Discovery Call today.

Have a blessed day!

Warm regards,

Paul "your number one fan" Bocco

P.S. Whenever You’re Ready... Here's How I Can Help You Generate An Additional $5 to $10k Per Month Or More:

  1. Check Out Our Christian Entrepreneurship Manifesto
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  3. Watch Our Christian Business Incubator Training
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  4. Schedule A Free Discovery Call
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